With regards to physically based textures, are they any different than traditional diffuse maps. In other words, if I have...

With regards to physically based textures, are they any different than traditional diffuse maps. In other words, if I have an existing Unity4 scene and I'm upgrading to Unity5. When switching the lighting to PBS do I need to do anything different to the texture maps I was using, or can/should they just reuse the same ones. I've heard some people say that "accurate" PBS textures are somehow different? Maybe they are referring to naturally sourced images (like from photography?)
  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    True PBS textures have no lighting information baked into them. That's about it. You can use diffuse maps but they are different than albedo. Some people say they're the same but in reality they're slightly different. Albedo has no lighting information in it (like shadows) while a diffuse may have some. Read this article, it'll give you a much more in depth understanding: http://artisaverb.info/PBT.html