Changes that I've noticed thus far

Well, I'm back at trying to learn this again after spending few bucks on a computer that can handle Blender (was using a old laptop and getting frustrated). Can now run 4.2 and I like some of the changes that I've seen thus far...

Being able to "add" mesh objects from bottom of the tool bar is pretty sweet (or was that always there and I missed it?).

Is it just me or did they do away with the pie thingy when pressing {tab} to toggle between Object and Edit? I hated that pie thingy. Extra move that wasn't necessary in my opinion.

Kind of nice to be able to learn on one screen and use Blender in the other to follow along (that's a me thing more than a Blender thing I guess).

As I type this, I've got a little panda cat chasing the cursor down the screen trying to catch it and blocking my attempt to proof read this as I type. lol.

Glad I'm starting from the beginning (again). Too much I've forgotten.

  • 👍🍪
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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Great to see you back Scott!

     "Being able to "add" mesh objects from bottom of the tool bar is pretty sweet (or was that always there and I missed it?)."

    That has been there for a while already, since 2.92, to be exact.

    "...did they do away with the pie thingy when pressing {tab} to toggle between Object and Edit?"

    That is a Setting in the Preferences, the Default is CTRL+TAB for the Pie Menu and TAB for switching between Edit Mode and the last used other Mode. (The checkbox for Tab for Pie un-checked): It can be found here:


    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    We can see the panda cat right there with you on the profile picture. I will try and guess his name and it is... Steven the cat. 

    My computer is also starting to have a hard time with Blender, it lags a lot with any function. It's like they make computers now so you have to replace them every 3 years or so. 

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