Why does this happen when baking? (With UDIMs)

Per the title, why does this happen when I am baking?

It's happened a couple of times. I have been able to fix it by refilling the tile and rebaking the necessary objects - which is fine but it's still a pain.

I'm curious as to whether it's in a similar realm to the same issue I was having a while back with materials turning black - which I think was a bug as it would occur even when selecting objects which had very few materials and small node trees.



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  • Leo (wod) replied

    The normals are correctly aligned?
    If you look via Face Orientation (red is bad blue is good) then you would have to realign them once with Alt+N
    Otherwise try playing with the extrusion value. This is there to “expand” or “inflate” the light rays or geometry during the baking of textures to avoid problems such as artifacts at the edges.
    These are just guesses but maybe some of this could help.

    Maybe that will help


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  • Omar Domenech replied

    One idea is, to test if it's a bug, do the bake with a previous or later Blender version. Blender 4.2.1 came out recently, try baking in it to see if the error goes away. If not then try it in 4.0 and see if it goes away. If it bakes correctly then it's the Blender version that has a bug. 

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