The Tree Image Doesn't Open For Me


   I'm not sure why, but the motion blur lesson is touchy on my Mac.  Sometimes it crashes.  If you move the file it can't find a bunch of resources . . . which is weird since they should all be packed if I'm seeing things right.

   I unpacked the .zip again, and it sees the jet, but it does not see the tree image.

   It wouldn't surprise me to learn Blender was caching something and got confused when I put this in the "My Work" directory, trying to preserve the original file, but I thought I'd mention the issues I had.

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  • Sean Kennedy replied

    The tree sequence may not have been packed into the file. Hmm, I should probably include a download link for that footage! Let me look into that.

  • Sean Kennedy replied

    This is the footage I used

    2 loves