second selection delay


Does anyone know why there's a 2-second selection delay when clicking on a bone/widget on a rig, which only happens in Blender 4.2 and up? 

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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    Going to need more info. Like what mode are you in? Maybe a screenshot. I don't have delay. My first guess would be that you have a subdivision surface modifier above the armature modifier. This can slow down things since weights have to recalculated every time you select a bone. 

  • skoomoo replied

    I found out the problem. its auto rigs pros 

    proxy picker Addon that was causing the issue it doesn't play well with Blender 4.2 rigs

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yeah any strange and unexpected behaviour can often be attributed to 3rd party add-ons.
    Some add-ons are best kept disabled until they are actually needed.

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