Different behavior

I am using exactly your set up until 4:00 and the behavior is completely different from yours.

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Washington,

    Could you provide a bit more information, please?

    How is the behavior different? Can you provide a Screenshot of your Nodes? Or even better, upload your .blend file to Dropbox, Googledrive, or so and post a link here.

    Also tell us which Blender Version you are using.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    wwcarige we want to help you, but as Martin said, please provide some more information.
    If you have solved the problem, we would still like to know the problem and how you solved it.

    1 love
  • Washington Carigé(wcarige) replied

    Hey thank you guys, I tried to add the screenshot but problem is It ask for a url link.
    Anyways, I figured the problem is because I had to add the first position in Z on 2, then the behavior becomes the same. I didn't see the teacher doing this at the beguinning of the video (maybe he did), but It would be good to confirm this. I will check this out.


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