Blender learning buddy?

So, I'm taking Wes' advice from his latest email, and I'm looking for someone who is interested in going through the CORE courses with me. I'm trying to learn Blender, and I think it would be fun to have someone to learn alongside, and help keep each other motivated. If you're interested, let me know! 

1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Remember to also stop by CG Cookie Discord, lots of good folks there as well. 

    2 loves
  • Carlos Jimeno(carjimcor1) replied

    Hi Jonathan, I am interested, didn’t see a way to dm you…

    I haven’t started the course yet.

    If you are interested write me via discord: Carlos21#0467

    I just joined the CGC discord server too.

    2 loves
  • Jonathan Anderson(CGNerd) replied

    Hi Carlos!

    I will reach out on Discord!

    1 love
  • Jonathan Lazaro(Jojo) replied
    Its so strange how theres so many jonathan s learning / using blender
    1 love
  • Jonathan Anderson(CGNerd) replied

    Haha, that's a good point! I wish I had Jonathan Lampel's knowledge of Blender...

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Maybe the I know Kung Fu tech from The Matrix is just around the corner. Be responsible who's brain you put in your brain though. 

  • Andrew Dlask(andrew1630) replied

    Hello johnathan and Carlos! I am looking to go through the core course as well, and would like to have the group learning as well. I'm still newer at blender and my main computer is in repairs but I have a back up and would like to get to know more fellow blender'ers lol. I haven't really started the courses yet either, but would like to get going! My name is Andrew, so there isn't another johnathan to worry about lol

    1 love
  • Jonathan Anderson(CGNerd) replied

    Hi Andrew, nice to meet you! I'm a beginner also, and I find I stay motivated better with some group accountability. We started a group chat on Discord and I'll send you an invite to that. And more recently there is now a Thread on the CGCookie Server you can join without an invite. Happy to have you learning with us!