Carramone's Polybook


This is the start of my 3D journey, enrolled in the CORE course. Just about to start with the final challenge for the modeling course.

My SciFi boxes. I made two different versions. Looking forward to learning how to add stickers and wear and tear


My HDD chassis.

HDD chassis_3.pngHDD chassis_2.png

My cookie


And now it's time for the big final challenge. This will be fun!

  • 👍💯
2 loves
  • Mechanought replied

    Really awesome work, keep it up!

    1 love
  • Rikard Jespersen(carramone) replied

    Phew, I've just completed the Rigging course. I tried to create a rig by myself, and on my seventh try, I think I got it. I really had to think hard and long on how to do it. But for each iteration I got further and further before I had to watch the video again, until finally I was able to complete this RIG on my own.

    Going through the video to compare, I did realise that I did some things differently, for example my positioning of the spine control. Also, I added bendy bones to my upper arms, which made the mesh look better. Bendy bones on the forearms and legs however, ruined "everything". But it was great to find the confidence to try and step away from the presented RIG, leaning back to earlier chapters in the course.

    024-09-08 152516.pnguntitled.png

    I've left a small animation of the character in the CORE buddies channel on discord.: Wrangler.mp4

    Just to check if I was able to create a rig on a model that wasn't the Wrangler, I created an alien, and then I made a Rig from scratch.


    And I made it!!!! The topology of my mesh is however very limiting, so it doesn't deform very nicely, but that is something I can work on when I create a real character in the future.

    All in all, Rigging was a very good course and I learnt a lot. I think I probably would have learn even more if I had some experience to begin with, the pace was a bit too fast for me, since absolutely EVERYTHING was new to me.

    • Very nice! 🤘
    • 👏🏻👍
  • Rikard Jespersen(carramone) replied

    I'm, currently taking the physics course and I just finalised my rigid body final challengePhysics - Rigid body

    I had a lot of fun, and I was able to use what I learnt in Rigging, to get the springs under the plates to wiggle and compress in sync with the plates. It's not really visible in my render, but I know it's there and that it works ... and that feels awesome.  


    Now I'm off to explore soft body physics :)

    • 🤘
  • Rikard Jespersen(carramone) replied

    I'm progressing in the physics course and I've done the following (links to CORE buddies discord): softbodiescloth, liquids and smoke. It's been very fun to experiment with physics, but it really takes its toll on the computer. The liquid simulation took over 12 hours to render on my RTX4090, and the simulation alone took about 5 hours. I probably put some settings too high or something. More experimentation will be needed to find the perfect middle-ground between quality and efficiency.

    Some stills from the animations:FallingOrbs0131.png




    Now I'm off to the next chapter :)

    • 😍🔥
    • Cool 🤘🏼
    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I like the core course one. Plus if you say it fast it almost sounds like the Concord, the beloved fast plane.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Wow you're flying through CORE.
    You'll be ready for our CORE | Hallowe'en challenge in a couple of weeks 🎃

    1 love
  • Rikard Jespersen(carramone) replied

    I've finished the physics course. I've posted my final challenges on discord: particle systems, dynamic paint and force fields. Here are stills for two of the projects.



    Now I'm off to learn about compositing.

    • 👍🏼
    • 🤘