DAT File

Can Import my DAT file from Adobe Character Animator or Papagayo ?

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Arjun,

    Sadly, I don't think so.
    Papagayo is a tool that hasn't been updated for more than 10 years - I think there is an old add-on or python script (for previous versions of Blender) that can take that file and connect it to some shape keys on a mesh.  But the shape keys must have a specific name that matches etc.
    I doubt that would work in any current versions of Blender.

    And sorry, but I haven't had any experience with Adobe Character Animator.  I imagine that there might be a similar story with this too. (ie - there could be a tool or an add-on that connects the data to some shape keys)

    The animation in this course, however, is done on the armature level (not the mesh). 

    I'm not aware of anything that can connect the differences here.