
That's very cool that you have worked in so many great titles! Also very cool to hear you have used Blender in some of them! Out of curiosity, what kind of work have you used Blender for in those? Or even which shows?

I'm just curious because more often than not we hear how Blender is just not yet accepted in big productions. While I know from experience that it's making a huge impact in ad studios and in-house production teams, I was surprised to hear about the bigger features.

1 love
  • Sean Kennedy(mackdadd) replied

    Hi Nathi! Thanks for the kind words! And yep, I've used Blender on tons of shows and movies. I think the first movie I ever used it on was "Charlie St Cloud", a Zac Efron movie from 2010. I've done a few talks at the annual Blender Conference in Amsterdam talking about my work and showing tons of examples, you can see the last one from 2017 if you go to youtube and search "blender more gruntwork vfx". I also did talks where I show examples in 2013 and 2015.

    Blender isn't openly used at big studios, but every studio has it, usually has a few artists who know how to use it, and use it for specific things. It's definitely being used more and more. But it's not the main software in a big visual effects studio yet. But that day is coming, I'm sure.

    • ❤️
    2 loves
  • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) replied

    Nice, that's very cool to hear! And thanks for the recommendation, I'll add that to my watch list!

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I remember watching a Sean presentation on Blender and VFX in movies. He used some birds in a bunch of movies and it was always the same birds and people in other movies even asked for them. That was funny 😂

    4 loves
  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    I can only second that, very impressive. But even more so that we get the chance to learn from such a pro.

    Hey, maybe I'll get good enough one day to land a job like that, seeing that I live in Hollywood North. :D Man can dream.

    3 loves
  • Sean Kennedy(mackdadd) replied

    You definitely can get a job doing vfx for films! Just takes a lot of practice and willingness to keep learning! 

    2 loves
  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    The willingness to learn is strong in this one ;) Will be working through your course this week and see where I go from there.

    2 loves