what did i miss or forget when the AO bake always gives me 90% checkerpattern? Displacement works fine. THX in advance guys!

posted to: Painting Shoes
what did i miss or forget when the AO bake always gives me 90% checkerpattern? Displacement works fine. THX in advance guys!
  • Kent Trammell replied
    What's the other 10% of your bake look like?
  • 123dan replied
    oh hi! https://cgcookie.com/image/issue/ quickly uploaded a screen. i meesed a lot with everything so it might look messed up, but the basic result is always the same.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Oh ok, that's usually a result of overlapping geometry. Make sure you don't have duplicate geometry in edit mode. Also it could be a result of geometry using a mirror modifier. In that case, disable the mirror modifier and try baking again.
  • 123dan replied
    yeah i tried all that but just found out that i was trying to bake AO from multires -.- thanks anyway! got quite a bit of preliminary work to do, but the day i finish the helmet course i owe you a beer or five. actually that course made me sigh up for this ;)
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Oooh ok, that makes sense too - Thanks for sharing your solution.

    Lol, well thanks for signing up and watching these courses!