Reference image that is always alligned to View?

Question Modeling


In some softwares, if you import a background/reference, it is always alligned
to the view/facing the user. (no matter how you rotate the viewport/Objects)
Like the director Image here, imported into a program named Design Doll.

Can I have this for Blender? Specifically for the Solid View? It would help greatly as a reference tool. (With or without addon)

Looked around on google but didnt find much, thank you in advance!

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Only two things come to mind. You could disable perspective and have your image only show when you are on orthographic:


    Or you can split your UI and have an image image editor open in that window all the time. 

    1 love
  • Nougat Time(nougat time) replied

    nah I need the image in the middle of the viewport where my mesh can be in front of it, while the image always faces the viewer

    1 love
  • Nougat Time(nougat time) replied

    I mean we can have the view allign to a face, how come we cant have a face/image always allign to view :*(

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah, at least you can have it in the middle of the viewport, aligned to the view, your mesh always in front, but only in orthographic I believe. In perspective it will have perspective. I always model in orthographic anyways, I've never needed it in perspective. Maybe some of the guys will know or possible an addon. Lets wait for them. 

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  • Leo (wod) replied

    i don't know if this will help you, but you can also add a background image to a camera, which is then aligned with the view of the camera and is always visible even if you rotate it.

    You then have to click on the camera -> right on Data (green camera symbol) -> Background Images -> then select image.

    If you then link the camera view with the navigation view. with the lock symbol (see picture)

    Then your picture rotates with your view but you have to remember that you are in the camera view. Maybe it will help you  

    1 love
  • Paul Caggegi replied

    Instead of using a reference image, you can do this in Camera view. Wherever you rotate the camera, the view will follow.

    You will have some other options for the image once you open one:

    And if you want to be really fancy, open your Right side panels and under "View" lock your Camera to view. This way, you can rotate and zoom while looking through your camera.

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    Added note: You can also use Local camera in combination with camera to view. This would allow you to add multiple cameras and you can switch between them and have a different reference for each one. Also as long as you don't select the active camera you can move your reference view camera freely without affecting your render camera. 

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yeah the only option I know of is to add the background image in the camera settings, I like Dwayne's method of multiple cameras.

    This does mean you always need to be in camera view and in the sidebar (N), on the view tab enable lock camera to view, this will allow you to navigate the scene with the image always in view.
    With an additional render camera positioned to the desired render view. This can be done later though, when you are ready to render or when you further into the project and start thinking of how a model looks from different angles.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Perhaps much of the options are overkill for what you want to do. I'd say just lean on the viewport orthographic or open an image editor where you can load the image. It's just getting used to it, you'll be deriving the same value as having the image there all the time on the viewport will do. 

    1 love
  • Nougat Time(nougat time) replied


    thank you all for the wonderful feedback! this is exactly what i was looking for, (i searched a lot about view alligning, guess that was barking up the wrong tree)
    but now I achieved the exact results i wanted thanks to you guys! Thank you Omar, Leo, Paul, Dwayne and Adrian!

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