Shift-H a recent addition?

Shift-H wasn’t mentioned, which hides everything else, except what is selected. I find this very useful. Since I’m fairly new to Blender, I don’t know if it’s a recent addition, but I’m surprised it wasn’t mentioned. Also in the PRESS START tutorial, Jonathan first selects, inverts the selection and then hides with H, instead of just pressing shift-H, which could indicate it’s not been there for long. I’m using Blender 4.2.

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi  Björn,

    No, SHIFT+H is not new (from before 2.8). There are many ways of Selecting, Deselecting, Hiding and so on....There will often be very handy shortcuts that don't get mentioned, or even get forgotten. Everybody has their favorite shortcuts, that they use all the time.

    I know SHIFT+H, but in practice, I rarely use it...I just don't think about it...although it usually is easier/faster than Inverting the Selection and then Hide that.

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah one thing that keeps surprising me about Blender over and over again, is just how many ways there are for doing the same thing. You tend to pick your favorite and stick with it. 

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  • Jonathan Lazaro(Jojo) replied

    its mentioned in the pothead tutorial, i think throwing too much at a newbie can be overwhelming, and not very useful / efficient as chances are we ll forget a lot of it, one thing i like a lot about the cgcookie tutorials is that they all tend to introduce 1 or a few new functions or hotkeys per tutorial so you learn progressively.  

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