Light Path Node

Hello Everyone;

I am trying to understand what excatly Light Path Node is doing. I did excatly the same thing in the video but connecting light path-is Camera Ray to Factor doesnt change anything at all. Or am i mistaken ?

Here is without Light Path Connected

Here is Light Path Connected

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  • Eralp Orkun Cihan(eralp_orkun-cihan) replied

    I can understand that it can be because the glass is just a plane. But when i give a thickness then from outside it looks like the moneky is just a sticker on the glass so it changes where the monkey is and this way is introduced as "architectural glass" which is my field and there is no glass like that in any architectural visualisation software, it looks just weird.

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Well two things come to my mind. First make sure you're on the right material. Sometimes we don't pay attention to the slots and make the node noodle on the wrong material. And second you may have flipped normals, check your mesh in edit mode, turn on Face orientation and see if something is red. Share with us if it helped or not so we can continue to troubleshoot.

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Also the light path node is for hacking, it gives you an inside look at the inner workings f the render engine and it lets you fiddle around and bend the rules. Don't look at the node as a tool for realism or accuracy, it's more like it gives you Neo superpowers.

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    If you go more extreme, you can see more clearly that the Light Path Node is working. For instance here, the Camera sees blue Glass, but the light that enters the Cube is not blue:

    Camera Ray_01.png

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