As I watch these tutorials videos they are being marked near the end as completed automatically.

posted to: Sculpt Brushes I

As I watch these tutorials videos they are being marked near the end as completed automatically. It is not me that is marking them as completed. I checked the site preferences and those regarding auto-watching videos and such are unchecked for my account.

  • Blaine Jensen(Theebline) replied

    The videos mark as watched when it's about 95% done. The site does it automatically I believe. You can mark them as incomplete if you desire. Just helps you track where your at.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah the website does that automatically. There doesn't seem to be an option for turning that off thought. I can only see these ones:


  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Those settings in preferences are
    a) automatically start playback on entering a lesson, and b) automatically skip to the next lesson when the current lesson ends.

    There is no setting to turn on/off mark complete. However at the top of each video you can mark or unmark the current lesson as complete.
    It is a feature to help track your progress. You can use the progress section in your dashboard to quickly see all the course you have watched previously, completed or not.
    It is a very useful feature, sometimes we start a project based course and become interested in a topic, lighting for example, and decide to watch a course focused on lighting, intending to return to where we left off in the project.