Blender 4.2

Sorry, But the settings you say in the video for Eeveedon't match at all in my version 4.2 at all 

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Enrico,

    This Course was made with Blender 4.0 and it is recommended you use that same Version to follow along (this is true for any Blender Course). Blender changes very fast, but that doesn't mean that Courses are immediately outdated. You can download any Blender Version here:

    EEVEE has been 'completely rewritten' for Blender 4.2 and the Settings look completely different and you just make the learning process more difficult for yourself if you insist on using only the latest Blender Releases...(Over time, when you are more familiar with Blender, you can use any Version you like for any Course, but until then, you're better off using the same Version as in the Course.)

    4 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    yes, it is as Martin says. You can read a great short conversation about it here:

    3 loves
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    First, I'd like to say that I agree that using the same blender version as a course will be a lot less frustrating. I'm including how to setup eevee just so that you don't have to figure it out later on. 

    The Screen space reflection, Ambient Occlusion, and indirect Lighting baking are no longer needed since they are provided thru the Raytracing option when you check it.

    As for Bloom this is now done thru the compositor by using a Glare node set to bloom. This means that Bloom can now be used with cycles too. The setup is easy. Go to compositor, check use nodes in the header, Press shift+a->Filters->Glare, drag and drop it on the noodle between the 2 nodes.(Noodle should brighten), and then click where it says Streaks and select Bloom. To see the Bloom effect in the viewport while in either material preview or render shading mode click the dropdown arrow to the right of the 4 spheres in the header of the 3D viewport at the bottom under compositor click always. If you click camera then you will only see it when you are looking thru the camera.

    As for material settings, you no longer need to set alpha or shadow blending modes.(Technically it is the render method, but the default of Dither works in most beginner situation)  Screen space Refraction check box on the materials is now Raytraced Transmission. 

    5 loves
  • Enrico Scambia(enricoscambia) replied

    Thank you to everyone for the comprehensive replies. I truly appreciate them. I will download version 4.0 to follow the course because I am not that expert to understand how to move with 4.2 eevee. Thank you again to all.

    • 🤘🏻
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