Submission form is not working.

Hello, your web script won't validate my youtube link for some reason.
  • Leo (wod) replied

    have you used the "link" function (ctrl + k). otherwise you still have the video function (but that doesn't work for me either)

    As far as I understand your problem that your Youtube link is not seen as a link

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    YouTube shorts are currently not supported, the work around is to add the video to a YouTube playlist, then play the video from the playlist and copy the link, It shouldn't contain /short in the link.

  • Laurent Pierrat(Sillikone) replied

    Thanks for your faster than light reactions :)

    • ⚡👍
  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    Just gonna leave this here one more time for people having issues with shorts:

    "You can easily change any YouTube Shorts video to a regular one yourself by modifying the URL. YouTube Shorts have a URL that looks like this: Change shorts to v, and YouTube will load it in its normal video player. The modified URL should look like this:"

    I did that a while back for my submission of the graphic landscape, which YT converted to a short without asking me. But it workes like a charm.

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  • Laurent Pierrat(Sillikone) replied

    Thanks ! That's an even better solution. On my side I just created a vimeo profile and baste ! :)