Geometry does not bend at all

Question Modeling
Each time I model something I keep having this problem with proportional editing. It's not working. How come I tried to move one vertex in any direction and the rest of other vertices followed while I'm in edit mode? I don't see radius tool show up on the screen either. The weird thing is I can only move one vertex when a primitive cube is created.  
  • Katerina Novakova(shiennar) replied

    Hi Vue, the rest of the vertices is moving because they are inside of the sphere of influence of the proportional editing tool. You should see a circle around the selected vertex - if you don't, the circle is probably too large. You can see its size in the upper left corner of the viewport. Scroll your mouse wheel until you see that the size is decreasing and the circle should eventually be visible.

    ortional editing.jpg

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  • Vue Thao(euv) replied

    Thank you Katerina Novakova. It solves the problem. 

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