Auto smooth shading issue


Hello everyone, I'm having a problem after shading auto-smooth. I could fix some of the back side by marking some edges as sharp (at 16:23), but I don't know how to fix the rest of the problems. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thank you
024-07-28 171756.png024-07-28 171529.png024-07-28 164436.png

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  • berke okur(okur) replied

    As a side note, I realized in the video the bevel modifier segments are set to 1 (which fixes the issue) and mine is set to 2. So the issue is solved but I still want to know why this issue happens and what if I want to use a higher segment count.

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  • Leo (wod) replied

    I don't know exactly what your problem is, but it almost looks as if some normals are not correct in the pictures. Turn on Face Orientation once and check and if some areas appear red then in edit mode -> Shift + N. Then the bevel will be able to work properly again.

    Here is the "Face Orientation"- Function

    To the Bevel:

    I can only answer with the little i know but what i do know is that the more geometry or support edges you add, the more the “base edges” become sharper or in round dense shapes, the vertex can overlap very quickly with a bevel.

    The higher the bevel value the more support-edges you get. That would explain the behavior for me when you write that if you lower the bevel value that the behavior is then “better”

    Go to your object -> right on object properties (orange symbol) -> viewport display and then check wireframe.

    Then you will see your current mesh with your bevel modifier. if you now set your bevel higher again, you can observe the behavior.

    If the vertex/edges then overlap, there are a problem.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    It is typically a geometry issue, to know exactly we would need to go into your file and enter edit mode and start diagnosing. You can upload your file if you'd like. But the main culprits are usually double vertices, the angles for the auto-smooth are not deep enough, flipped normals, scale not applied, surfaces not perfectly flat, clamp overlap and some others. Here's a couple of threads where people have run into similar problems:

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi ookur ,

    If you change the number of Segments in a Bevel, you also change the angle between Faces, so that affects the Smooth By Angle Modifier.

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied


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  • berke okur(okur) replied

    Thank you all for the suggestions. In my mesh, I've checked face normals, clamp overlap, and applied scale. I also checked if the faces were flat and tried to flatten them by selecting appropriate vertices and doing S > Z > 0. But then I remembered that I downloaded the final .blend file from the course materials. I compared my mesh with that and the final mesh also has problems with shading if I add more than 1 bevel segment. At this point, I think this is an advanced issue and as a beginner I have to learn more by following more tutorials and improving myself.blender.pngblender2.png

    • 🤘🏻
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