Hard times at 5:55

posted to: Modeling Ducts

How is he snapping the "bracket" to the angle like that? I followed instructions but blender 4 seems to have different options for the snapping 

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI John jjkern1009 ,

    There doesn't seem to be any Snapping at ~5:55, so it's not clear to me what you mean exactly.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    The snapping is a little earlier in the video (from ~5:30)
    The same settings are available in the snapping options, only the UI has changed and with some additional settings available.

    If you note the cursor position when Kent holds CNTRL to snap it is over the vertex of the duct. That is what you align to when snapping.

    You may benefit from watching the Blender Basics and the Fundamentals of Mesh Modeling where the basic functions are focused on.
    We also recommend using the Blender version used in the course as a beginner to eliminate these UI differences being an issue.

    Download any Blender Version

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    The most common options to snap taking into account the angle is with align rotation to target. It also depends if it's an individual object or part of the same object:


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