Inset offset uneven

When extruding the buttons, on I to inset the circles, my circles are coming out oblong instead of following the path of the circle, im' in Global mode, snapping off, face select, wireframe.

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi wwhoopc ,

    Did you forget to Apply the Scale of your console Object?

    Switch to Object Mode and then CTRL+A > Apply > Scale. then try Insetting again.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yes, likely the scale isn't applied. This course is not a fundamental, you can always go back and start with Introductory courses if you'd like:

    2 loves
  • whoopc replied

    pretty sure I applied scale, but that could have been it

    1 love
  • whoopc replied

    can't apply scale now as it will mess up the whole mesh

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hey wwhoopc ,

    Sorry, but you simply cannot 'skip' Applying the Scale!

    This is not negotiable!

    Apply the Scale and then fix everything that seems to go wrong (but actually was wrong, because you hadn't Applied the Scale). Alternatively, you can start over from scratch.

    This is not something like a "punishment', but great way to learn; you will be less likely to forget to Apply the Scale again, after this 😉

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah I agree with Martin. Sometimes you made a huge mistake and there's no other way around the extra labor, but as you make more and more mistakes, you learn to avoid them, it's how it goes.  

    1 love