The render settings are not applicable to Blender 4.0+

The render settings mentioned in this video are not available or have been moved around within 4.0+.  Is there another tutorial that can assist with getting the eyes setup?

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Ben,

    What do you mean by Render Settings? Quickly scrubbing through this Lesson, I think Kent just changes the Output to 300% and that hasn't changed. In fact, I don't think the Render Settings have changed that much since 2.93.

    Are you perhaps talking about the Subsurface Scattering in the Principled Shader?

    If so, set the Weight of the Subsurface Scattering to 1 and play with the value of the Scale. You might also benefit from changing the method to Random Walk (Skin).

    If you mean something else, please be more precise and also give a timestamp as to where in the video you get into problems.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    My thought's exactly, the Render settings???

    The only thing in the render settings that is different that Kent uses in this video, is the viewport denoise, and all he really does is turn it on.

    The only other change I see in this video is the Principled BSDF, and most of that is just the layout.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    And also remember, Blender changes too much too fast, there isn't a single tutorial that survives long enough to follow exactly, so what we all do is we use the Blender version that is used on the video so we can follow along without getting distracted with UI changes. The point is to get the knowledge, not what buttons to press. So you can follow the course with the Blender version that is being used to avoid such small inconveniences,

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