How to repeat the walk animation after moving from idle

Question Animation

Hi, I'm trying to make a simple animation where the character will start idle, I keep this idle position for a few frames, then there is a part where the character starts to move and then enter the normal 24 frames walk cycle. And I want it to give 10 steps (at a later stage I will transition to a stopped pose, but lets leave it for now). I don't want to animate all 10 steps, I want to do the first and then make it repeat. If I add the cyclic modifier, than it will repeat from the first frame, which is the idle one... 

Looking at the timeline:


The question is if its possible to make frames 32 to 56 repeat 10 times (without actually copying it 10 times, which would make it much harder to tweak later). This walk animation has translation forward. 

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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied
    Put the walk cycle in it's own action and do the repeat thru the NLA. Just push down the animation and on the n-panel there's an option to set the number of repeats. 
    2 loves
  • Mauro Ornelas(mauroornelas) replied

    Hi Dwayne, 

    The NLA is still a big mystery to me :). But I tried doing as you suggested. I created two actions (Idle and Walk). Pushed both down to the NLA and then repeated the walk animation. I also added a cyclic modifier to the walk cycle. But as there is translation on the y axis in this movement (the character is moving forward) when the animation repeats, its goes back to the original position: 



    Almost there. It does transition from Idle to walk and repeat walk twice... but the translation is still messing it up. 


    1 love
  • Phil Osterbauer(phoenix4690) replied
    One way to make it work would be to go into the Rivet_walk action and make it cyclic.  Then set the translation cycle to repeat with offset. In the NLA editor, instead of adjusting the repeat, you can adjust the frame end to however long you need it to go and it will keep cycling up until that frame number. 

    Another way would be to put the translation on another action and add that to the NLA timeline.
    2 loves
  • Mauro Ornelas(mauroornelas) replied

    Hi Phil, changing the frame end in the NLA editor did solve the problem! Now works as I expected. Thanks

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