Hi everyone!
I'm a complete Blender Newbie, knowing only the interface basics.
With that said, I'd love some help figuring out what I need to learn in order to craft scenes like the ones you can see in the pictures/videos I attached!
For context, I work as a Fulltime Youtube Video Editor and want attain the skills to craft visual experiences like Hoog and Fern - things I can't possibly do in software like After Effects or Premiere Pro.
I truly appreciate you for taking the time to read and answer this post,
Much Love.
Ps. It is worth noting that, as a perk of my job, I have very little free time - so, I'd prefer consuming the information in the shortest yet easiest way to digest possible. Meaning, I'd like to avoid long courses that go in-depth into topics/skills I don't need to delve deep into *yet*.
Given your constraints and the goal you want to achieve, probably the Sessions courses are best suited for you:
Still Blender is a huge beast, so you may want to give the Fundamentals a chance:
Without a doubt both SESSIONS: Minimalism and SESSIONS: Macro
Looking forward to seeing what you create on your journey.
I started the SESSIONS: Minimalism Course yesterday, and I'm already able to understand how to craft a few of the scenes I mentioned!
I'm beyond grateful! Huge thank you to both of you for taking the time to read and answer my post :)