If you're using files from a folder for a lesson, please indicate which it is


Great course overall, I'm learning a lot, however I feel that the User Experience aspect could improve a little bit. I just spent north of an hour trying to figure out what was I doing wrong, since I followed each and every step and still the texture of the totem was looking totally different to the one in the video, when I realized that you were using the files on the folder materials-and-shading_textures.zip\materials-and-shading_textures\shader totem\metal and I was using the files on the /hero folder, however this was never indicated during the lesson and it's not the first time during this course that I struggle to know which folder or file I am supposed to be using. 

Please for future courses (you might be doing this already, I don't know) be more mindful about this as the content of the course is complex enough already to also have to worry about being in sync with the tutor... It would make the learning experience much better and smoother for students. 

Thank you!

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    | "...this was never indicated during the lesson..."

    How about here (~0:21 and onward):


    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Hello Miguel. Not to worry, as martin said, JL points it out at around the 21 seconds mark and same for every other lesson in any course, it gets highlighted which file it's being used and you can usually see it in the video when it gets opened. Hopefully you'll have no trouble with that apart from this occasion. Happy learning 🤘🏻

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