Snow bump doesn't look right when mixed with other bumps

Hi, working on the snow, I made the material and it went alright. Then I mix the bumps and something doesn't look right with the values and i don't understand where I am going wrong.

I also tried adding a map range right after the noise texture for the snow placement and nothing it seems like the bumps for the textures are not so compatible together so I tried with a map range for the noise texture bump and it seems a little better, but they won't mix.

Thank you for the help!

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey tatasarts,
    It is hard to see where you may have gone wrong, because of the external image viewer.
    But I can see you are using a later version of Blender. Some behaviors may be a little different, exact numbers as in the course will not get the same result. Notably the lack of a Musgrave texture and the color mix nodes have changed, as well as the Principled BSDF.

    I also notice you are not using any subsurface...
    This can make a difference to the look of the snow.

    It also looks like you may have an issue with the leaves, they look like they are using a negative normal/bump.

    Try laying out the nodes as you see them on the screen, this helps to identify any missing nodes or connections, and to tweak values based on the video to see what does what.

    If you can share your file via dropbox, google drive or similar we can take a closer look.

  • tatasarts replied

    Okay, thank for the response Adrian!

    I knew I wasn't using subsurface but I didn't know it would change the result drastically!

    Yeah I know about the Musgrave Texture missing in Blender 4, but I found a way to use the noise as Musgrave.

    Screenshot (25).png

    Definitely better than before, there's still some small adjustments to make but in the end the problem was that the map range of the dirt noise and the leaves was really cranked and, beacuse of that, I couldn't put the bump of the snow above of everything.

    Screenshot (23).pngScreenshot (24).png

    • 👏👍
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Awesome job problem solving the issue, problems with shader nodes can be as simply as a connection disconnected, a value not what you thought it was.
    Double checking will usually solve most problems.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    The Musgrave Texture isn't really gone, but just incorporated into the Noise Texture Node, as tatasarts has already figured out.

    You can use a conversion, if you want to match numbers from a tutorial, but I recommend just using your eyes to get the result you want.

    The default Musgrave translates in 4.1 to a Noise Texture with a Roughness of 0.250 and a Detail of 1.000.

    Increasing the Dimension to 4.000, would mean decreasing the Roughness of the Noise to 0.0625.

    In fact, let's get this over with and give a formula for the conversion. This is what I came up with:

    Musgrave with a Detail of d, a Dimension of m and a Lacunarity of l converts to a
    Noise with a Detail of (d - 1) and a Roughness of 1/(l^m) (and a Lacunarity of l, obviously).

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yeah! Totally obvious... 🤯