Going to try this a second time

posted to: Modeling the Head
Made it all the way to the part of the fill. My shape was pretty much like his. When I got to the bevel on the side for some reason it would go inside of the Mesh rather then bevel the corner was like someone sticked there finger in there said oh okay its sorta beveled I guess. Was wondering what could have caused that so when I do it the second time I can actually bevel the side rather it go inside of the Mesh.
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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hey Chris,

    From your description, the first thing that springs to my mind, is that you have inconsistent Normals; in Edit Mode, Select all (with A) and then SHIFT+N.

    Inconsistent Normals happen all the time, when modeling and are not a mistake on your part, simply something to be aware of. If you get any strange results, this is one of the first things to check (just after double Vertices and a Scale that is not Applied.)

    1 love
  • Chris Reitz(TheSkwee) replied

    Thank you will try that if it happens again. will post a facebook video next time if it does it again. 

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yes some screenshots or a video is ideal so we can see exactly what's going on. But as you make more and more mistakes is how your brain starts to "get it", so to struggle is a good thing.

    1 love
  • Chris Reitz(TheSkwee) replied

    second time was better then the first I think maybe the top was to close or something dunno but had no problem the second time 


    Just been taking my time with it learning what I can and stuff been fun so far. 

    Might try to add some screws to the back of the head if im guessing right that is probably either the motherboard or the battery pack on the back of its head more then likely it has screws to hold it in place. 

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