Asset Browser Window: Can We Sort Libraries by Name A to Z?

Question Modeling

Hello everyone,

I am wondering if we can sort libraries by name from A-Z or manually arrange them. My problem is that it is very difficult to access the target library when Blender sorts library names by sequence update.
The library names appear randomly listed, making it time-consuming to find the library I want to access.

In Preferences > File Paths, Blender allows libraries to be sorted by name; however, after sorting by name, the Asset Library window still does not change.

Thank you very much for helping me organize. 

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  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    The preferences sort option, sorts the library view in preferences, not in the asset browser.

    The order in the asset browser may have something to do with the filepath. Perhaps reorganising/renaming folders may help.
    I don't know for sure, but it seems most likely.

    2 loves
  • Kwin K(kwin) replied

    Thank you, Adrian. At least now I know I cannot make any changes within Blender's library view.
    I will explore other solutions to resolve this.

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    The main way that these are supposed to be organized is thru the catalog on the left. I don't think they ment for library switching to be that common. You can always go to right click select and suggest the option if it hasn't already. If it has then give it a like. The developers pay attention to the ones that get a lot of likes.

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    I guess I should have mentioned that the order that you enter the libraries is the order they show in the asset browser. So, you could remove them then add them in alphabetical order. 

    1 love
  • Kwin K(kwin) replied

    Hi Dwayne,

    Thanks again. Adding assets in alphabetical order will definitely solve the issue. The problem arises when we purchase new libraries and add them later, making everything look unorganized again.

    You might be right—the easiest way is to remove and re-add file paths in name order.
    Hopefully, Blender will automatically sort libraries in the future. I'll check out the Blender community on Right-Click Select. Thanks for the tip!

    1 love