Exporting my 3D Image

When I follow the tutorial to export my 3D viewport  [ View Menu, Viewport Render Image. ]....it always appears or opens up on my entire screen, which is  very annoying  because  i want to view and compare it with my original viewport side by side.  Plus, I find  it difficult to reduce its size so as not to take up the full screen. 

How can I fix this issue? is there a way?

1 love
  • pattybhat replied

    I think I have a rendering issue,  like I don't have a graphics card.   I had NVIDIA  that came with Wacom, but that computer crashed. Only the hard drive was saved, no graphics card.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi ppattybhat ,

    As to your question: you can change that in your Preferences and then have an Image Editor open before clicking Render.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I always have it set up in keep User Interface. You can go to Edit then Preferences, when the window pops up, in temporary Editor:


    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Thanks Omar, I see that I forgot to add the screenshot. You can also set it to Image Editor.

    1 love
  • pattybhat replied

    Thank you for the solution!

  • pattybhat replied

    I have another issue regarding rendering. ( It could be due to not having a graphic's card, not sure.)

    When my Wacom battery popped my screen off, I kept the hard drive, but could not remove the graphic' card. I was told that I didn't need it to learn blender, but I think that's incorrect. I had a NVIDIA which I have not replaced.

    That being said: I am using Blender 3.5....At first, when when I went to render a simple cube (as demo),...it took some time but produced the cube with a pixelated side. Today, I tried it again but every time I hit 'Render Image'... my Blender 3.5 shuts down or disappears! I re-open it and try again....same problem! Is it a graphic's card issue?

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Sounds weird and buggy, so likely a hardware issue yes. It is half truth that you don't need a graphics card to learn Blender, because you can start learning without one but sooner or later you'll need one when your scenes start getting more complex. You can always render with the CPU but it will take too much time and in the end a better computer is directly related to a better Blender performance. But yeah, you can start simple and as you progress and hit a wall you can consider getting a better computer if you can. 

  • pattybhat replied

    That's what I thought, thanks!

  • pattybhat replied

    I have another Render issue:

    As I follow the tutorial, at the top right corner are the  wireframe, solid, material and render icons. When it tells me to click the render icon....it shuts off, goes away, disappears!   This, along with pixelated artifacts on the simple cube tells me  something, what?   I know the computer doesn't  have  a graphics card., but shouldn't Blender with it's CPU be able to render simple objects?   It has  workbench, cycles and render. please provide suggestions to solve this

    How can I  press forward  if I cannot follow the tutorials. if its a glitch, how to fix?

    i appreciate any help.

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Ok now I noticed you are watching the basics for the last Blender, there is an updated course here:


  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi ppattybhat ,

    That doesn't sound like a glitch, but a hardware problem on your side.

    You probably need a computer upgrade. I don't know what you are using now, but you keep mentioning Wacom and don't they make Pen & Tablets only?