Orthographic View

How can I clean this up? In looks fine in Perspective View.

1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Hello. You can attach some screenshots or further explain what you're referring to, so we can help out in any way we can.

    1 love
  • Scott Rine(scorine99) replied

    024-07-04 043814.png

    1 love
  • Scott Rine(scorine99) replied

    Sorry I thought I did, Here is what my Orthographic View looks like, the Perspective view is fine

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    But what is the issue? Is that a mesh? Or is it the perspective grid that looks like that? Can you further explain the situation please?

    1 love
  • Scott Rine(scorine99) replied

    It part of the screen or grid what ever you want to call it. There is no object or mesh there. Thats what the screen looks like when i turn Orthographic view on

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Scott scorine99 ,

    So, if I see this correctly, you changed both the Scene Scale and the Grid Overlay Scale...That's crazy in itself and is probably part of what's causing the glitch, but I can't reproduce it on my PC...

    I suggest you update your GPU Driver.

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yes then if you didn't change anything and there's nothing there, it's totally a glitch then, the viewport grids shouldn't look like that. Update your graphics card, download a different Blender version, start from a totally new blend file. I'm curious if you zoom in and out of those lines stay like that or if the just adjust and it goes away. And if you zoom really close then if they grow in thickness.