Sidebar issue

posted to: Planning and Setup

Clive Layers and Properties in the sidebar are both missing. I figured it was the trusted sources, but I have that enabled, thought it might be rigify missing but that is also enabled. I appended the Clive group into a new Blender project and tried opening the Clive-v2.0 file with the same missing sidebar controllers. I am using Blender 2.79B, but also tried Blender 3.4 and there must be a setting I have missed. Ideas?

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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    To get this to work you need to change 3 Lines in the script and click the play button at the top. Remember to save afterwards.  Goto Text editor and if the script isn't already showing then use the dropdrop down and select Then scroll down to line 496. 

              row.prop(context.user_preferences.edit, "keyframe_new_interpolation_type", text="")

    Delete the user_

              row.prop(context.preferences.edit, "keyframe_new_interpolation_type", text="")

    Then on line 498 and 499 remove the "res" and "mask" along with the comma after them.

              row.prop(context.active_object, '["rig_res"]', "Res", toggle=True)

              row.prop(context.active_object, '["mask"]', "Mask", toggle=True)


              row.prop(context.active_object, '["rig_res"]', toggle=True)

              row.prop(context.active_object, '["mask"]', toggle=True)

  • mcneillgk replied

    Troubleshooting further, I decided to open the anim.blend project file and Clive Layers is there in the sidebar. Turns out it is also there  in my testing project where I appended Clive when the Clive.rig is selected. However, The individual bones don't seem to want to go straight to Pose mode. I wonder if I have appended Clive incorrectly, or incompletely. 

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Beorn seems to be using 2.70, so perhaps with that Blender version the rig wont cause any troubles. He'll probably need to be completely redone, rig-wise for later Blender versions of course. Perhaps if it's an easy fix Wayne could do it in two seconds.

    1 love
  • mcneillgk replied
    I think the rig is not attached to Clive. When I select the bones there is no pose mode for perhaps the parenting has been lost in the append?
    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Let's at at Wayne, so he can take a look @waylow

    Hopefully it works, sometimes the at thing doesn't do anything.

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Greg,

    The Clive UI won't work properly in the latest versions of Blender because there have been some breaking changes since that rig was created (about 10 years ago).
    The UI script will refer to bone layers that no longer exist.

    I'm pretty sure the rig will still work though.  Your issue in that regard seems like you have linked it into your animation file, but you haven't yet create a library override to be able to animate it.  (that's why it doesn't have a pose mode)
    Select the linked object, press F3, type "override" and then choose the first option in list.

    That will let you animate it in the current file while retaining the connection to the rig in the other file.

    Hope that helps.

    1 love
  • mcneillgk replied

    I think the linking/override you refer to might be for later versions of blender that use assets and collections like version 4. I am using 2.79 and appended the clive group. My understanding is linked objects aren't as exciting so posing is best done with append. The main question I guess is whether a rig setup will append when a group is appended into a new project. I feel it must, but perhaps my intuition needs to be tested.

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