Not a troubleshooting thing, just a question thing about "Place holder"

at approx the 18min mark in the video, he deletes what he is calling a "place holder".  Was this a part of the array modifier?  I'm not clear at all about this.  All I know is I can selected the same thing he did (I think, I hope hahaha) and I do end up deleting stuff.  I had stats turned on, I deleted a hand full of verts and edges and about 10 triangles. I suppose I have several questions.  When were these created?  Do I have to delete like this after using Array Modifier all the time?

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  • Omar Domenech replied
    That was just a mesh Kent was using to measure how high the building had to be, when he no longer needed it, because all the exterior detail is there covering that part, he simply deleted it. Your model probably had different things since it sounds you deleted even more stuff. But it's hard to tell since your model is your own.
    2 loves
  • wrongwright replied

    All I know is 4 x 4 x 8 was the cube size.  There wasn't any other measuring used that I was aware.  So not the Array causing this?  We also rotated the array?  There was also an empty added but that was still there.  Maybe I'll watch from beginning again to see what was possibly added that he needed to remove afterwards.  I'm still just a bit confused but I can live with it.  I just kinda wish I knew in what part of the video did he add something that has to removed later at the 18Min mark.  Thank you for the reply.

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi wrongwright ,

    It is all in this Lesson.

    In the beginning the size is set with the first Cube to 4x4x8, as you say. Then the first floor is made and Separated into it's own Object (and then Arrayed to about the top of the original Cube). That means the first Cube is now a ground floor followed by a gap for the first floor followed by the rest of the original Cube. That top part is the placeholder that is later being removed.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah, you can always go back and watch it again. I tend to watch courses twice, it's the only way the knowledge really sinks in for me.

    1 love
  • wrongwright replied

    Ok, I'm getting there.  So it was Array related.  Do you know of any children's book of illustrations that ......hahaha well..never mind.  Your words I understand and I can grasp it a bit more.  I will still rewatch but with your words in mind.  Thank you.