Blender Animation Player Zoom


Hi there,

I'm a little stumped on this one. My Animation player is stuck on this size no matter what I do, regardless on how big I make the window, the rendered animation does not change in size.

I tried clearing render regions, and honestly pretty much every option on the view menu. Does anyone know what am I missing?

The animation player has a lot better features for checking the small details than opening the rendered file on the quicktime player.

Let me know! Thanks!

1 love
  • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) replied

    5 at 10.36.01 AM.png

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Nathalia,

    I don't seem to have that problem (I'm on Linux):

    mation Player_01.png

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Could that be a render region preview problem? You know the little box you draw with the red intermittent line. Check to see if you have to clear it. 

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    Ctrl+Numpad Minus and Ctrl+Numpad Plus zooms in and out. Make sure to use the CTRL or CMD(since it looks like you're on a mac) if you use just numpad plus/minus you will speed up slowdown the framerate. Holding shift key down will show frame rate in bottom left corner along with filename. I like to use I sometimes just to see play cursor in the player. you can also use the arrow keys to go frame by frame. left and right is 1 frame and up and down is 10 frames. Shift+Left/Right is start and end. You can also use LMB drag to scrub thru it. 

    1 love
  • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) replied

    Thanks guys! Yeah, I've checked the render region, and zooming in and out works to increase the window size but it still doesn't fill in the window.

    Maybe Martin is right and it is about having a different operating system. Oh well. Thanks for helping me figure out a couple alternatives for troubleshooting!

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Maybe Wayne @waylow knows...he used to be on a Mac for a long time.

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Nathi,
    yeah it's been a while since I've used Mac, but to me this looks like it's rendering to the size of the camera.
    Because we are doing a triple view, the cameras have a weird resolution.  This might not be playing nicely with Macintosh.

    CTRL Numpad plus will zoom in
    But try resetting the render resolution to 1920x1080 and seeing if that makes a difference to the playblast.

    If you have a spare 4 mins - have you seen me being an idiot in this video?
    It might help.

    2 loves
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    Wow @waylow I didn't know about F, Shift+F, P, or that you could select a frame rate directly. Thanks for the video. 

    • no worries!
    1 love
  • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) replied

    Very interesting! Love the video, thanks for sharing Wayne. And yep, the camera resolution did the trick. Weird mac quirk but now I know it is not me! yay!

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