Painting buffers for a second after each stroke

I've disconnected the bump layers on the visible materials, and have changed to material preview mode - as mention at 4:16 in this video from the pothead course

But each time I paint a stroke with my pen tablet or my mouse, Blender takes a second to register it. It's as if it it's freezing for a moment before I can continue painting.
It's a massive pain.

Is there anything else I could do so I can work with actual flow instead of waiting for it to catch up?

At the moment I am essentially just scribbling notes and doodles across my model as if I were drafting up what I might want to put into it.

Jonathan says it isn't because of the number of textures and the 4k textures. But could it be because I'm using a UDIM workflow where I've got multiple tiles?

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  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    Update: I'll go through each of these suggestions on this reddit thread. But closing my other editor types fixed it perfectly. However it would be nice to have at least the Image editor open as I feel like I'm working with my eyes closed without it!

    1 love
  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    Update 2: I've got to head off to work now so I'll have to do some more digging later.

    But I created a new image to paint on. One that isn't with UDIMs. It worked a lot better compared to the image with the UDIMs. I also have multiple editor types open on the screen and had little to no lag.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I remember when Blender did that all the time, then it got some juicy back end updates and it was all so smooth after that. That issue can be a mix of Blender and the complexity of your scene. I guess you could also try downloading a different Blender version, see if it behaves better.

    2 loves
  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    Cheers guys! I had a go with each of the suggestions. I think I have however narrowed it down to something along the lines of a memory related situation while using UDIMs. I created a new paint details layer in the image editor and changed the resolution and number of UDIM tiles. It definitely improved performance.

    I initally had six 4k UDIM tiles and that was causing massive lag. I tested it with one image set to 4k - that worked fine. I then added in the remaining UDIM tiles and adjusted their resolution for their respective model parts. The lag increased, but it is nowhere near as bad as it was with six 4k tiles. 

    I might have to make do with not getting over zealous and using 4k textures for everything lmao

    Alternatively, It still seems to be that the image editor (as well as the UV Editor) is a massive culprit too. I can have any other number of editor types open (I even opened up ten or so 3d viewports) and it runs fine... all up until I include either an image or UV Editor. I assume Blender slows down when it starts to translate data from the viewport to the image editor?

    I'll have a dig around online to see if there are any suggestions, and play around with settings in the preferences etc. But does anyone have ideas on how to improve the performance in either of the mentioned editor types?

  • Omar Domenech replied

    I can see Blender's legs shaking with all the weight, poor little Blender.


    1 love
  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    For good measure and in the name of science, I fired up a UDIM series of six 8k tiles. Again, it runs fine up until I open an image editor where even just drawing a smiley face takes longer than it does for grass to grow. But I've come up with a work around so I can at least finish this project and then do some real digging to try and find a solution for next time. Interestingly though I've not had Blender crash on me at all lately ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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