Bevel Issue on Corner

Running into this issue as shown in the pictures.  Video starts around 7:10.  I have all the vertex select as it was in wireframe mode in the video and he even says select sidewalk corner verts as well.  Yet when I bevel I get this very stubborn vert that doesn't want to move.  Any ideas?

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI wrongwright ,

    Make sure there are no double Vertices, before Beveling. I don't know if that is what's causing it, but it's my first guess.

  • wrongwright replied

    I had tried that, and did it again anyway.  Still nothing.  I fear will have to start over again with the corner. 

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    I'm wondering if there are double vertices, and are not connected with an edge. Which is why the bevel doesn't complete the edge loop.
    Something like this:

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    You may need to increase the merge distance a little.

  • wrongwright replied

    my merge distance is very small...   (.0001).  when I make it smaller other verts get sucked in.

    I will start over and see if something changes.

  • Omar Domenech replied

    You could also just delete that vertex at the end there, looks like if you do, everything else will remained beveled as you wanted it to. 

  • wrongwright replied

    Deleting the vertex helped and after some debate, I'm continuing with the tut as if that vert didn't exist.  hahahaha. The bevel looks spectacular.

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