Awesome course!

Not a question … just wanted to say I really enjoyed this course. It really helped me understand the fundamentals of 3D sculpting (with no prior experience to speak of), and while truthfully I struggled somewhat with the concepts of sculpting formats, I followed through to the end and now I feel like I can tackle my next character sculpt with confidence. It was really fun to bring this toothy fella to life, and I ended up with a pretty cool character to show off to family and friends, so I'm pumped! I'm eager to dive into my next fundamentals course, but I really want to finish Tito (yes, I've named him) with some texturing and lighting. Thanks for this awesome resource!

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2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Man I'm always calling the shark Tito from now on. 

    2 loves
  • Kent Trammell replied

    Thank you for taking the time to post this AAhtfulDodja! Positive feedback like this means so much to me. Tremendously motivating as a teacher :)

    I hope you don't mind me asking - would you be willing to copy and paste this as a course review (at the bottom of the landing page)? No worries if you prefer not to 👌 

    1 love
  • AhtfulDodja replied

    Sure thing. Sorry I didn't think to do that to begin with. Will do this now!