Latest Blender Different

Hi All, 

trying to get similar results but everything looks different in newest version   How do I increase output resolution of the render as looks pixilated and I can't find anything that will change this

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  • Paul Whidborne(Umbrinox) replied

    Sorry, I meant with regards to Cycles.  The denoise option no longer has NLM and nothing that I can see to change the quality of the render to 512.  All I have atm is Noise Threshold and Max Samples.  I'm guessing they've moved it to somewhere else for the final render resolution?

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I think the best thing to do is download the Blender version Kent is using in the course and then follow along. Remember, button pushing is the least of our worries.

    If you want to follow along with the latest Blender, then I think you can give us time stamps in the video or screenshots, so we can see the feature you're trying to hunt down and we can point you in the right direction.

    Fore example, that render sampling is no longer how it's done. Now is the noise threshold. Also there is a new fundamentals of rendering coming up which will go into all these new settings.

    2 loves
  • Paul Whidborne(Umbrinox) replied

    OK, thanks Omar, will do 

    1 love