Applying materials to splines


Hi, this is kinda a follow up question to my previous post. Does anyone know how to apply different materials to whole mesh splines from selections that are being converted from curves object? I have this setup with set material which is wrong. I tried spline parameter index but that didn't work. I'd like to just paint B/W the sphere for example and W or 1 would be red and B or 0 would be blue color for whole spline.

024-06-24 162123.png

024-06-25 202240.png

1 love
  • Forlorn Void(ForlornVoid) replied

    Oh, so then I can manually assign the geo to materials.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    You cannot manually change the Attribute, but you can make a new Material and assign the Selection to that new Material.

    1 love
  • Forlorn Void(ForlornVoid) replied

    spikeyxxx I've never done it like that. It says active attribute must have boolean type, after I converted it.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Click on the IsRed to make it Active (IsRed is already a Boolean):


    I don't say, that you can't use your method, but I think it's good to have more than one trick up your sleeve.

    2 loves
  • Forlorn Void(ForlornVoid) replied

    Oh there it is, thank you. I'll have to see what is better once I export it. I think your approach is better because it's easier to do more than two materials, and with separate geometry the tree will be hard to manage.

    1 love