Night lighting with Eevee

Gece aydınlatma denemem. Eevee onunla ilk karşılaştığım anda beni korkuttu. Ama üzerinde çalıştığımda stresim gitti ve uzun bir yol kat ettiğimi düşünüyorum.

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  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied

    After sharing a few of my mistakes, I realized that I will examine them again to correct them. I would be happy if you tell me what you see :)

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I don't see anything wrong. Maybe a weird shaped shadow behind the lamp in the wall? Which now that I think about it would make for a cool logo. I think I'll keep that idea for the future. 

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    I love the Camera Angle in the second image, but this (just pointing at a few areas):


    looks really bad ( I must admit, that I don't know exactly which EEVEE Setting this is).

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