Evaluated geometry error


Hello I want to apply this geometry nodes to the curves object to convert it to mesh like in the picture but it says that "Evaluated geometry from modifier does not contain curves". I have the whole profile setup and with that geo node still active, if I go to the Object -> Convert -> Mesh, it does exactly what I wanted from this geo node. Is there any solution to applying this? Or it's not supported for whatever reason?

024-06-23 152254.png

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    The setup works, but doesn't really do what you want, probably, because the GN Modifier cannot be Applied. (Maybe that will be possible in the future...?)

    In general, Modifiers on Curves are problematic, when you try to Apply them. Modifiers from the category Generate cannot be Applied at all (on Curves).

    1 love
  • Forlorn Void(ForlornVoid) replied

    Damn, I hoped that the node tree is wrong and there could be done something.

    • Sorry 🤷‍♂️
    1 love