Can't bevel edge loops for grille insets

I'm getting stuck at about 9:00 in the video, where you select the edge loops for the grille insets and apply the bevel weight. I think I have everything selected correctly, but when I try to adjust the bevel weight to 0.50 or so, nothing happens. See screenshot here.

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Andy,

    Quite a few things could go wrong here....My first guess would be, that you have Clamp Overlap enabled in the Bevel Modifier (in the Geometry subpanel).

    4 loves
  • AhtfulDodja replied

    Yep, that was it! I actually came back here to say, after some troubleshooting and poking around I tried that and it worked. Thanks for following up!

    • 👍🏻
  • AhtfulDodja replied

    Welp, I spoke too soon. Now I am trying to do the same for the speakers (next video), and I can't get it to work no matter what. I have the bevel modifier copied to the speakers object from the console object, and moved above the mirror modifier. I have verified that Clamp Overlap is disabled, and I have checked to make sure I don't have extra vertices. Any suggestions? See screenshot here.

  • AhtfulDodja replied

    I found someone else's community post and Omar suggested checking that scale was applied to the object. Argh, I should have known that was the issue. Rookie mistake … sorry!

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Yes Andy, that's one of the other problems that can arise!

    Rookie mistake (that everybody makes at some point) indeed, but that's how you learn 😉

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Always remember, if Press Start is giving you too much of a headache, not to worry, it's just that is a more complex course that it looks. You can always fall back into the Blender Basics or Mesh Modeling Fundamentals for a more foundational learning. Linking you up just in case:

  • Björn Andersson(Otso) replied

    I had this issue too, and the problem was having Clamp Overlap as Martin Bergwerf says. Thanks Martin!

    However, what I don't understand is that when I had Clamp Overlap enabled, and only selected one edge of the grille (only the two outer grilles, and specifically the edges towards the back on them caused issues), then modifying the Bevel Weight for that edge, impacted all other edges with weights (e.g the buttons that were set earlier), but not the selected edge. Reading the documentation for Clamp Overlap does not explain why this would happen. I'm using Blender 4.2.

    There were also other edges outside the grille that would cause this to happen too.

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Clamp overlap works on the model as a whole. It just prevents things from blowing up. So for example, if your bevel once it passes from 0.25 in value, the whole model will start to collapse on itself, it'll clamp it in that value and above that it wont take any effect, because it doesn't want your model to get messy. So it wont matter what edge you have, it will apply that value to the whole model.