Convert to mesh, and Ctlr-J for all assets?

At this point, are you converting to mesh, applying modifiers, joining loose parts for most assets? We did some of that with the buildings and signs. Traffic lights seem like a good candidates. Vehicles, HVAC, lamps, sky lights all seem similarly simple to me; I have a 'probably can't hurt, maybe it even simplifies' mindset. Kent highlights roof-access and water-tower as exceptions. Exceptions don't make the rule. Later, he delicately suggests that we put everything in its own collection. It looks like most things are a single object, at that point. So, direction please!: What are the guiding principles here? What should be converted/joined? Everything except roof-access, water-towers, and parametric-parts (this is my guess)? Does it matter, since we're staying inside .blend? What good nugget didn't I ask about? Eric
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  • Omar Domenech replied

    As like everything else in Blender, it depends. I don't think there is a one prime directive to rule them all here, you go with what makes more organizational sense to you, depending on what you are trying to achieve. The good thing is that there is no right or wrong. You can convert because you are sure you are not going to make any further edits, you could not convert in case you feel you are going to make further edits. Join or not join, same principle. So don't worry, the more you practice and make things in 3D, the more you'll pay less attention to doing things one way or another and just take the approach you feel works for you on your specific project. 

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