So its a lot like programming loops

posted to: Velocity

If I understand correctly
Store Named Attribute node is like declaring a node
Named Attribute with set position node's offset within a Simulation Zone is like updating its value every loop
And you can influence other behavior with the add/substract node

  • Omar Domenech replied

    I am guessing it's a lot like programming, that's why I don't touch this stuff too much. But I'll learn sooner or later. 

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yes exactly, each node is like a function, it does a specific thing then moves to the next node which will do it's specific thing. The simulation zone is like a while loop, repeating until it completes the set parameters.

    Everything you do on a computer is like programming, or at least part of it.
    Sending an email for example, most of the programming is done for you, but your job is to fill in the missing strings, like recipient and subject, and click send to activate the send function.