Shout out to Eevee :)

I am having difficulty understanding this situation. I can't get my head around it and I'm angry at myself. What exactly is Eeve? Is it something we must learn, something essential? Sorry, my question may seem ridiculous.

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  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied

    Is it a must?

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Eevee is one of the render engines that Blender uses. There's the Workbench, Cycles and Eevee.

    I use Cycles for realism and rendering, Eevee for testing and pre-visualization. So yes, I would it is a must to learn Eevee.

    But just don't worry, it is so much information the first time you watch one of those lessons, you can't hold everything inside your head. So just watch it, watch the course and then come back to it after a while and watch it again, there's no rush. You'll see that after some time has passed and you watch it again, it'll be so much easier to understand everything. So keep on keeping on, be patience.

    2 loves
  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied

    I understand, Omar, I will watch it over and over again and somehow become familiar with it. Thank you

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    It's a render engine. Do have to learn it? No you don't have to learn it. Knowing eevere is just another tool for you to have at your disposal. 

    1 love
  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied

    As Omer said, I was stressed when I encountered intense information (I think it was because I was preoccupied with other things at that moment), and as Omer suggested, I will spread it over time and watch it from time to time to absorb it. Thank you for your advice, Dwayne.

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