Issue with inset

When I try to inset my faces (8:06), They do not inset as one piece, but rather two separate insets. Does anyone know why this is happening?

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  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    Hard to troubleshoot this exactly without at least a photo but I can suggest the things I would suspect if I were in a similar situation.

    #1 - Boundaries or Individual faces toggled incorrectly. A glance at the video shows that is unlikely in this case but it's a good thing to be aware of anyway.

    #2 - Doubled verts/faces. This is something that can happen a lot, especially if you've been doing a lot of extrusions. You can try going into vertex select mode, selecting all, then M> Merge by distance. Then try the inset and see if that has helped!

    If this doesn't help please post a screenshot or even pop the file up on Dropbox or your Google Drive.

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied


    I agree with coyohti , most likely is the Individual Toggle in this case. When you press I to Inset, look here:


    Press I again, when Individual is set to On.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    If that doesn't solve it, see if you can share some screenshots or a screen grab video of the issue.

    1 love
  • Patrick Burns(Patty_B22) replied

    Here is a screenshot of the original error. I believe it had something to do with the faces overlapping. I ended up moving vertices around and merging by distance to get it fixed, but I do not have screenshots of the process.

    I tried to recreate the issue on the second image just now. Changing individual on or off did not affect this.Blendor_error1.jpg


    • 👌
  • Thabo Sebatlelo(Thabo-S) replied

    Thank you Coyo. (You can try going into vertex select mode, selecting all, then M> Merge by distance.) I did this a couple of times until it worked.