F to Fill problem

Hello , I am seeing some wierd artifacts after filling in the outline. It seems that the D pad and one of the buttons are also being selected if I select the lower left had quadrant / face of the console. I am unable to select the buttons in order to bevel. Can you help I have redone this step multiple times. I can not isolate the button like in the image labeled capture 

2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Alexis,

    That is usually due to having an incorrect Selection when Filling. Could you add one or more screenshots to show the problem, please?

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Perhaps you have double vertices, so before you fill the outline, select everything with A and then M to merge by distance and then try the filling. But yes, a couple of screenshots or maybe a screen grab video to see what might be going on would be ideal.

    1 love
  • Alexis Badillo(alexispb310) replied


    1 love
  • Alexis Badillo(alexispb310) replied


    1 love
  • Alexis Badillo(alexispb310) replied

    to fill Problem.jpeg

    1 love
  • Alexis Badillo(alexispb310) replied

    Hi Guys I figured it thanks for  the help , the issue was that the when filling in the faces the selections were over lapping thus causing faces to overlap that is why the distortion in the image that I uploaded. 

    • 👌
    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Told you so 😉