RIG: Foot vs Hand Tweaks

Currently, if I choose the Hand_tweak and translate it the whole hand moves. If I choose Foot_tweak and translate it only the ankle moves (the toe stay stuck).

Should the translate behavior be consistent? If so, which one is correct? I would assume it would be the Foot_tweak behavior for smear purposes and generally just not wanting to pull the hand too far from both the FK and IK part of the rig.

I've gone over parenting and constraints and I'm not sure what I've missed and/or what I could do to create the expected behavior (or if it matters? Am I being too perfectionist?). I'm on the final stretch though and otherwise feeling pretty good about the project!

Video Link for clarity:

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  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Coyo,

    Good questions.
    None are correct and both are correct - woah ......WTF Wayne?

    There's no real 'correct' way of doing it, these are both different designs for different purposes.

    One is an Arm and one is a Leg.
    You will find that if you ever needed to adjust the end tweaks (in animation) then this behaviour is 'probably' what you want.  It is always what you would want to do...no.  But as a rigger, you have to make decisions to best suit what you 'think' is going to happen.

    I fully understand the perfectionism thing (truly I do!)
    But maybe this will help your thinking - at least it does for me.

    Nobody knows everything, and there's probably a better way.  But a working solution is better than a perfect solution.

    But having said all that, I think you can use your perfectionism to your advantage (like I have).  You can design your own versions that can do slightly different things.

    For example, I have a version of that leg design that includes a cartoon bendy foot.  You only need that for cartoony characters so you don't need to add it into your 'default' design, but it's essentially the same but with 1 or 2 extra MCH bones and some changes to the parenting and constraints.

    The first step is to design it.
    Then write it down, so you don't have to design it every time.
    Then ultimately code it, so it can free up your brain to think of the next cool thing.

    Hope that helps.

    2 loves