Question Sculpting

Hey guys!

I am finishing my 3rd character created from my own scrach. I would like to create somehing similar to a simplified cave, as if it woud be an ancient temple. I searched here but I found anything. I know there's some guides in youtube, but just in case. I love your step by step.


  • Omar Domenech replied

    There is nothing cave related sadly, but one of those quick YouTube videos might do the trick, since I'm guessing is for the background where the character is going to be. 

    Maybe the closest thing is this old livestream of cave icicles:

    1 love
  • Carles Quero(leo_buit) replied

    Thank you, Omar. That's a pity... I will look into Youtube library and see if I find something usable. In the meantime, I throw you this proposal to get implemented in courses:  several types of environments creations. It would be funny and useful! Thank you all, team!

    • 👌