Freshly Baked Weekly Challenge 01 - House Plant

Contests and Challenges


I found this fun weekend challenge in the last newsletter from Wes and could not resist to give it a try :) ! So yeah, I did not spent much time on it but it was a good occasion for me to return to blender, with the new version 4.2 and ouch, I already feel rusty... I need to practise again :D (what are the blue lines again in Edit Mode ? Is this new ?!? What happened to the modifiers menu ?!???) 

But still, I loved the process and even though I am not quite satisfied with the textures yet, I was nice to go back to model something again, without the need to think about what to model.

Thanks for the challenge, hope this series will keep going on !

01 - House Plant.png

  • 👏Congrats
  • Nicely done!
2 loves
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied
    Great Job. 
  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    Nice result.

    I read about this too and thought: Challenge accepted!

    In order to not have the same topic a bunch of times in the forum I'm just gonna add mine here:


    • 🤩👏👏
    • Yay!
    3 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Dangs awesome stuff you guys, nice to see people accepting the challenge. 🤙

    1 love