@4:20ish the cntl_MCH is parented to arm_02..does this so the bone will track better. I thought it was so the MCH wouldn't pull apart but that's later it seems. I haven't a clue to Troubleshooting this. I am trying to read the relationship line and understand. It might already have a connection to arm_02. Including a link to the rig. Please gimme a clue what's going on and I can try to fix it but right now I'm about burned out. Will sleep on it and look for a clue tomorrow. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/746byoanydxv1fu0l2uip/Crane-arm_rig_START_TS_MCH_Parent_Final.blend?rlkey=b95wgrshx9n8ck3a1ck1oexr0&st=xoy3wxvx&dl=0
That's because your IK constraint on arm_02 should have CNTL as it's target instead of cntl_MCH.
Thanks to everyone, I haven't exactly woke up yet but when I do I'll come back around to my notes and make sure I didn't write it down wrong. Hate to repeat the same thing later. I'd be happy if I just mis-clicked the silly thing. I'm going to have another look at the pre-broken rig to try and read what you're seeing. Thank you Dwayne and Wayne.
Ed did it...er..Edit
So turns out I had the IK instructions written down correctly, I just didn't click the right thing. Hate it when that happens. Thanks again to all.